If you've read, watched, or listened to anything other than my blog postings here, then you'd think that the world stopped spinning two weeks ago.
In reality there has been much going on. There is a new nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States, affectionately or derisively referred to as "Scalito" for his penchant for being the ideological twin to Justice Scalia. There is has been movement in the investigation to the leak of the identity of a CIA agent, namely an indictment or two for an assistant to the President and Chief of Staff for the Vice President. Both of these subjects have been the focus of late night comedians everywhere, as has the bird flu and other things like Brittney's baby.
We've been busy as can be on our end. I often liken what we do to watching waves crash on the ocean. Here comes New Year's Eve, and then before you know it, it is crashing around your feet and here comes the week after. Over and over again. It is exciting because of the energy each new week brings to the club, but it is also relentless because there is always another week to book, another show to get squared away. I am sorry that this busy period has taken me away from posting here as often as I would like, but the shows come first. I trust you'll understand.
Between now and the end of the year we've got a great run of shows. We hope to see you soon.