Here it is Monday again the routine refreshes.
Ricky Kalmon was our headliner, and he was supported by Jason Kantor. I like both Jason and Ricky, so it was nice to see them.
Not that you asked, but interestingly a club's per head food and beverage is typically lower when you have a hypnotist because there is more activity on the stage and as a result people are watching their friends perform and don't eat or drink as much.
We also marketed some shows a little differently to better reflect the content. Based on the response to those shows I think it was a smart decision.
We have Pablo this weekend and I would recommend you get your tickets early. It is a great show and we are looking forward to seeing our friend.
Finally, you may have seen that Peter Jennings died over the weekend. I am an avid consumer of news, often watching all three national news broadcasts in the evening (tivo assisted of course). On a personal level my thoughts are with his family at this time. When I heard about his cancer diagnosis I emailed his producer an essay about cancer survival entitled "The Mean is Not the Message." If you or someone you know is facing a potentially terminal diagnosis, I suggest strongly your read the piece. We are currently battling internally about how many no smoking shows to have in a given week. In case you are counting votes, I am casting mine for only two - the last show on both Friday and Saturday. The rest of the time I think that we should be non-smoking, and I believe that it is what the market wants as well.