Nearly everyday I get questions about how does one get stage time or work at The Punchline.
There are basically two ways.
If you are person new to performing comedy, we encourage you to come out on Wednesday night to sign up for one of our showcase spots. We will pick from the list of people who sign up who will be performing the next week. If selected, you will get something less than 6 minutes in which to do your thing. As a newer comic I stood in the parking lot many an early week night hoping to get stage time. I understand the experience.
If you have a litte more experience under your belt or are going to be visiting us from some place more than two or three hours away, contact Marcey at (404) 252-0358 to specifically arrange a Wednesday to perform.
If you are actually a working comic, meaning that you are regularly getting paid to perform in comedy clubs, then send your materials to the attention of Kathe. That material will be reviewed and then we'll be able to make a determination about how we'll work you in to the mix.
Finally, if you'd like to perform but don't know how to get started click on either Jeff Justice's or Manny Olivera's link to the right of this blog. Several successful comedians started out in a class to help focus on how to write material. The only approach to learning how to be a comedian is one that results in both gigs and a laughing audience.