Monday, December 19, 2005


So we've joined a brave new world, we have a site.

Check it out here.

Why don't you become our friend?

I'd like it if you did.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Making Sense of The Holidas

I was interviewed today for the Georgia State University newspaper. It was an interesting interview, the reporter or writer was very nice.

I realized in speaking to him that he had never been a customer of ours at the club. Does this impact on his ability to write a story about the club? Some would have you think that there should be some relationship between the writer and the story. As if intimacy with the subject was required for there to also be objectivity. I don't know too much about it, other than just what I have written here.

It does seem to me however that if you do know something about the subject matter at hand that you will have some greater ability to discern what is truthful and what is not without having to look it up.

I am hopeful that the fellow writing up the story from today does a good job - I think that he will, and I do hope that he takes the opportunity to come out and see a show. If I was able to persuade him to give us a try then perhaps he will be able to persuade his readers.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's starting to look at lot like....

How many times have you heard a comedian say "One last thing..." and then do three or four more pieces of material?

I feel like that everytime I see that it has been a few weeks since I have made a blog posting and I say, this time more frequent postings.

The fact of the matter is we are very, very busy, and while the blog isn't a luxury, it does fall down the list as the list gets long. Fair, perhaps not - but true.

So what have learned since last we spoke?

1) Las Vegas can be done in way less than a week.

2) The Comedy Festival was a hit, and there are plenty of people out there wanting to see live comedy.

3) We get the pleasure of working with top professionals, and not every one does.

4) Corporate events in your club are not the right time to book comedians who want to push the envelope. Not every comedian knows that.

5) Jerry Farber continues to be a classic in every sense of the word.

6) Make sure the truck is on the way with the new equipment before you get rid of the old equipment.