Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Philosophy of A Job Applicant.

As you will note from the posting below, we are in the process of adding some additional staff. Some will round out our existing staff, and others will take on a per project type presence.

I listed the openings on Craigslist, and I have to say that the response has been overwhelming, enough to make me a convert perhaps.

What I have found a bit odd is the tendency for many people to include a quote or an expression of philosophy as a part of the signature of the emails we receive. Perhaps I am a bit of a traditionalist, but it is somewhat irrelevant and possibly inappropriate in my view to apply for a job and impart anything along those lines.

Imagine if you did the same thing in an interview or when leaving a telephone message and perhaps you will see what I mean:

"Sorry I didn't catch you, but I am interested in the opening. As Bertrand Russell stated, 'complexity is a knot irreduceable simplicity.'"


"I am glad you asked me that. I did graduate from college with honors. 'Nickels Bobby, they're all nickels.' That is my favorite Gene Hackman quote."

Thankfully, quotes or no quotes, we are getting some uniformly solid applicants.


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